Oliver Stone It’s interesting that when economic times were the hardest, that’s when many people embraced liberalism. – Oliver Stone Economic Quotes Embraced Quotes Hardest Quotes Liberalism Quotes People Quotes Times Quotes When you look at a movie, you look at a director’s thought process. I study history in order to give an interpretation.
Anurag Thakur As I see my responsibility as BCCI secretary, as a Parliamentarian, life of every Indian is very important to me. – Anurag Thakur
Brandon Webb Like it or not, Jesse Ventura is a Navy SEAL. He did the pushups and put up with the cold water, just like the rest of us. – Brandon Webb
Dan Gilbert It’s all about connectivity – not just technical connectivity but geographic connectivity. That’s what makes a city go. – Dan Gilbert
Rafael Cruz Only in America can someone start with nothing and achieve the American Dream. That’s the greatness of this country. – Rafael Cruz
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