Danny Rose It’s just not nice anymore. It’s lost its… I don’t feel it’s an honour to play at Wembley. – Danny Rose Feel Quotes Honour Quotes Lost Quotes Nice Quotes Play Quotes Wembley Quotes I’ve been through a lot, and England has been my salvation. One million per cent. I’ve seen a couple of players previously saying, ‘We don’t need a top signing or signings.’ But I am sorry, I am not singing off the same hymn-sheet on that one.
Muddy Waters I was messing around with the harmonica… but I was 13 before I got a real good note out of it. – Muddy Waters
Abbas Kiarostami I feel like a tree. A tree doesn’t feel a duty to start doing something about the earth from which it comes. A tree just has to bear fruit, and leaves and blossoms. It doesn’t feel grateful to the earth. – Abbas Kiarostami
ExperienceTim Sweeney When you search for Fortnite on iOS, you’ll often get PUBG or Minecraft ads. Whoever bought that ad in front of us is the top result when searching for Fortnite. It’s just a bad experience. Why not just make the game available direct to users, instead of having the store get between us and our customers and inject all kinds of cruft like that? – Tim Sweeney
Ronnie Coleman Because the Arnold Classic is such a big show, a guy who hasn’t been getting a lot of recognition all of a sudden does that show and arrives in good condition and is able to take out some of the top guys, it then puts him up there in the running for the Olympia title. So he can get more recognition that way. – Ronnie Coleman
Harvey Pekar Everybody’s like everybody else, and everybody’s different from everybody else. – Harvey Pekar
AloneGreatNaveen JainSuccess Success doesn’t necessarily come from breakthrough innovation but from flawless execution. A great strategy alone won’t win a game or a battle; the win comes from basic blocking and tackling. – Naveen Jain
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