Richard Linklater It’s just too late to ban all guns. There are 300 million. We should’ve done that after the Civil War – that’s when we should’ve taken away guns and defined what militias were. But we didn’t do it then, and we can’t now. – Richard Linklater Ban Quotes Civil Quotes Defined Quotes Guns Quotes Late Quotes Militias Quotes Shouldve Quotes War Quotes No one is asking what happened to all the homeless. No one cares, because it’s easier to get on the subway and not be accosted. Are any of us self-taught? It just means I didn’t go to school for it. But you do have teachers. You have mentors.
Astro Teller I started my second company in 1999. BodyMedia was set up to take advantage of the future of wearables – sensors and computing worn on our bodies in any and all ways that could make our lives better. – Astro Teller
Israel Adesanya Coming up in this country, I’ve seen it so many times. When you see somebody rising you want to tear them down because you feel inadequate and you want to call it humble. – Israel Adesanya
Nicolas Hamilton As a family, when you’re dedicated to motorsport, you eat, sleep and breathe the career. With us, we are all or nothing to the point that when we do something, we do it to the best or don’t do it at all. – Nicolas Hamilton
Frans van Houten Healthcare continues to move outside the hospital and into our homes and everyday lives. With leading doctors and psychologists, for example, we’ve developed personal health programs designed around patients to catalyze sustainable behavioural change. – Frans van Houten
AloneThich Nhat Hanh Nothing can be by itself alone, no one can be by himself or herself alone, everyone has to inter-be with every one else. That is why, when you look outside, around you, you can see yourself. – Thich Nhat Hanh
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