Bryan Cranston It’s mind-altering when you slip into someone else’s shoes. That’s psychedelic, man. – Bryan Cranston Elses Quotes Mindaltering Quotes Psychedelic Quotes Shoes Quotes Slip Quotes In order to be an actor you really have to be one of those types of people who are risk-takers and have what is considered an actor’s arrogance, which is not to say an arrogance in your personal life. But you have to be the type of person who wants the ball with seconds left in the game. When you’re an actor in grade school, high school, college, whatever, you start to realize what you’re really good at, what you’re kinda good at, what you’re okay at, and you start to compartmentalize. But if you know yourself and what you’re capable of, it’s just a matter of opportunity.
Sergio Marchionne Most car advertising assumes that people have IQs that are missing a digit. – Sergio Marchionne
Richard Linklater In interviews, I never wanted to play into the myth of, ‘Yeah, I was sitting there doing nothing, and then made ‘Slacker.” No. I’d been making shorts, a Super-8 feature, and running a film society. I always try to stress to people that there’s a lot of work involved and years of preparation. But no one wants to hear that part. – Richard Linklater
Jimmy Lai Nobody will have control of the media in the future, because user-generated content is going to become the major content. – Jimmy Lai
Filippo Inzaghi Both were wonderful experiences, but I’ve always said the Champions League campaign where I was most important was 2003. However, the one the fans remember is 2007, which shows how important goals in a final are. – Filippo Inzaghi
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