Nikola Vucevic It’s much easier when you start the season on a positive note and not have to fight from behind. – Nikola Vucevic Easier Quotes Fight Quotes Note Quotes Positive Quotes Season Quotes Start Quotes In the NBA, things can turn around quickly. Regardless of what kind of game you have, working on your game is something you stay consistent with because you have to work on your shooting.
Neeraj Chopra It motivates me that people rate me so highly and want me to do well, which is a good feeling. Personally, I don’t think about milestones or medals, but like to take each competition as it comes and focus on doing my best and becoming better with each competition. – Neeraj Chopra
Susan Wojcicki I have tried in my role of being one of the first women at Google, let alone the first woman to have a baby, to really try to set the tone that this is a great place to work for diversity reasons. – Susan Wojcicki
Robyn Davidson I’d always loved writing, in the same way that I’d loved painting. I wouldn’t have seen it as a career. – Robyn Davidson
Anna Paquin Stubborn people get themselves in a lot of trouble, but they also get things done. – Anna Paquin
Frank Lampard I don’t think Wayne Rooney would be affected if you booed him, that’s just how he is, but others go under. They really suffer with it. I think I’m somewhere in the middle… now. I’ve become tougher as I’ve got older. – Frank Lampard
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