Anne Heche It’s my job, to create a fantasy. – Anne Heche Create Quotes Fantasy Quotes Job Quotes It gets really tricky giving advice. The older I get, the less advice I give. I put myself on the line with my truth and my sexuality. That is my choice. My choice.
Beth Moore As God took me through the journey that became the Bible study ‘Breaking Free’, He taught me to look for a common denominator among the things that triggered my destructive habits. – Beth Moore
James McAvoy I always believed that I never wanted to be an actor. I only did it because I was allowed to do it and I had to do something. – James McAvoy
FinanceLegalNick Johnson I don’t plan on going back to legal work. I wanted an international career, and finance seemed to be where some interesting career opportunities were. – Nick Johnson
Robert Dallek At the end of their first years, there are few people who would have predicted that Truman would be elected in 1948 or that Reagan would get a second term. It’s always premature to make some kind of categorical judgment after the first year in office. – Robert Dallek
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