Rodney King It’s not painful to relive it. I’m comfortable with my position in American history. – Rodney King American Quotes Comfortable Quotes History Quotes Painful Quotes Position Quotes Relive Quotes It’s happening right now… it’s just not on film, it’s not being recorded. People look at me like I should have been like Malcolm X or Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks. I should have seen life like that and stay out of trouble, and don’t do this and don’t do that. But it’s hard to live up to some people’s expectations.
DadSerena Williams My dad is the nicest guy you’ll ever meet, and the easiest going. – Serena Williams
Paresh Rawal I don’t believe in terminologies like ‘lead role’ or ‘supporting role’ or ‘cameo role,’ etc. – Paresh Rawal
B J Thomas When I perform live I hope the audience will leave with their heads lifted up. – B J Thomas
Carl Honore When it comes to extracurricular activities, many children are getting too much of a good thing. – Carl Honore
Ron Stallworth I felt that if the public found out that a black man made a fool of David Duke, his attempts at a political career would have fallen by wayside. – Ron Stallworth
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