Jamie Oliver It’s not the extremes and the treats that are the problem. It’s the everyday. – Jamie Oliver Everyday Quotes Extremes Quotes Treats Quotes I like ties but I prefer not to wear one when I’m nervous. I challenge you, to go to any school and open 50 lunchboxes, and I guarantee you there will be one or two cans of Red Bull, there’ll be cold McDonald’s and jam sandwiches with several cakes.
Jenny McCarthy If you ask 99.9 percent of parents who have children with autism if we’d rather have the measles versus autism, we’d sign up for the measles. – Jenny McCarthy
Archie Manning If you just make every effort to do the right thing, you’ll come out ok. It comes down to priorities and making good decisions. – Archie Manning
Jimmy Cliff It was one of my dreams as a child, growing up in my little village with my cousins. We used to walk together, and I used to say, when you look at the world map, ‘This town is there, that town is there, that river is there.’ I used to say, ‘One day, I’m going to travel these places.’ – Jimmy Cliff
R Kelly My mother always told me if you write about life, you will always be in the game. Just don’t write songs… write life. I decided to take her up on that. – R Kelly
Adam Curtis James Goldsmith is important because he used the power of the markets to break up the cosy patrician elite that ran Britain and its industries in the 1950s and ’60s. In the process, Goldsmith helped transfer power in this country away from politics and towards the markets and the financial sector. – Adam Curtis
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