Marge Schott It’s only money, honey. – Marge Schott Honey Quotes Money Quotes Hitler was good in the beginning, but he went too far.
Betsy DeVos My family is the largest single contributor of soft money to the national Republican Party. – Betsy DeVos
CoolTodd English Having been to Europe and working and traveling there, the restaurants my wife and I remember were always off the beaten trail restaurants. So I tried to seek a little ‘off the beaten trail,’ but cool area. – Todd English
Judd Apatow I think a lot of studios today are run by women, and we are entering a time when a lot of women have evolved in Second City and Upright Citizens Brigade and wanted to become writers and comedians. – Judd Apatow
Mike Pence A campaign ought to demonstrate the basic human decency of the candidate. That means your First Amendment rights end at the tip of your opponent’s nose – even in the matter of political rhetoric. – Mike Pence
Dean Wareham I’ve never played in Vegas. I’ve only been to the airport, but even the airport was exciting. Just flying in, looking out the window, you feel the pull of it, like it’s some evil force pulling you in, like Mordor. – Dean Wareham
Karl Malone But I think anybody who believes I could force coach Sloan to resign is crazy. He’s stronger than that and personally if I said that to him, he’d probably go tell me to go do something. – Karl Malone
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