Margaret Truman It’s only when you grow up, and step back from him, or leave him for your own career and your own home – it’s only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it. Pride reinforces love. – Margaret Truman Career Quotes Greatness Quotes Grow Quotes Leave Quotes Love Quotes Measure Quotes Pride Quotes Reinforces Quotes Step Quotes Mother considered a press conference on a par with a visit to a cage of cobras.
FamilyLidia Bastianich Traditions are our roots and a profile of who we are as individuals and who we are as a family. They are our roots, which give us stability and a sense of belonging – they ground us. – Lidia Bastianich
Benjamin Clementine With this sort of career, you need determination. You’ve got to sacrifice a lot of things: family, friends – not that I had any – but you sacrifice everything. – Benjamin Clementine
Brendan Rodgers I had a wonderful time at Liverpool. My three and a half years there was a great experience. – Brendan Rodgers
FreedomSylvester McCoy Now I’m old… maybe I’m still an eccentric hippie. There’s a wonderful freedom in the eccentricity – you can go places, you can be wacky, and you don’t have to be constrained. I think that’s why people are eccentric – eccentricity is a weapon… and it’s great! – Sylvester McCoy
Sudha Chandran If my journey encourages and inspires people to never give up trying to do what they really want to do, I will be truly satisfied. – Sudha Chandran
Phil Neville I was approached by Sue Campbell to give my thoughts on whether I’d be interested in being the next head coach of the women’s national team. Straight away, I was unbelievably excited and honoured to be approached by Sue. – Phil Neville
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