Branford Marsalis It’s something that jazz has gotten away from, and it’s unfortunate. Players aren’t physical anymore. – Branford Marsalis Jazz Quotes Physical Quotes Players Quotes Unfortunate Quotes I’m not going to play funk licks on a jazz album. That makes no sense. You hear it in your brain. Whatever makes sense. Some songs work well as quartet songs, sometimes they don’t.
Natalie Dormer When you have that long, flowing hair, you feel different – when you cut it, the framing of your face changes immediately. – Natalie Dormer
Jim RohnSuccessWisdom Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become. – Jim Rohn
Sam Brownback I believe we are created in the image of God for a particular purpose, and I believe that with all my heart. – Sam Brownback
Eric Church When I feel like every day when I get up I’m writing songs, that’s the time to make a record. – Eric Church
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