Dan Castellaneta It’s the cushiest job, but some lines are so funny that I crack up. – Dan Castellaneta Crack Quotes Cushiest Quotes Funny Quotes Job Quotes Lines Quotes It’s hard to find a play that’s right for me to do. Rather than waiting around for the right script to come along, I decided to write one myself. It’s the weirdest thing. When you go into acting, you expect to be a huge star and to be recognized… It did happen, but not in the way you expect it to… In L.A., I’m just another character actor.
Andy Behrman Like most manic depressives, some of my symptoms included racing thoughts that I simply had to act upon – flying from New York to Paris and taking the train to Berlin; flying to Argentina in the middle of the night; spending tens of thousands of dollars on unnecessary garments, dinners and gifts. – Andy Behrman
BirthdayGyles Brandreth Prince Philip had formally ‘retired’ in the summer of 2017, a couple of months after his 96th birthday, because the Queen encouraged him to do so. She wanted to stop him ‘pushing himself all the time’. She had become anxious about him. – Gyles Brandreth
Fred Saberhagen At this stage, my chief professional goal is simply to keep on writing and making a living at it. – Fred Saberhagen
Carl Frampton I’ve got two kids and a missus. I don’t want problems after boxing. You need to be careful. – Carl Frampton
K J Yesudas You should be an example for your children. I show my three children what I am and expect them to live by certain controls. But, by the grace of god, they are good kids. – K J Yesudas
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