John Hillcoat It’s the murkiness of humanity that I find endlessly fascinating. – John Hillcoat Endlessly Quotes Fascinating Quotes Humanity Quotes Murkiness Quotes I consider myself a humanist. Even if I do very dark worlds, I try to make those characters real humans as opposed to just cartoons. I like the realism of anti-heroes. It’s a healthy thing. I think heroes can be very unhealthy at times because it doesn’t connect you to reality.
Nancy WerlinTeen I actually hope people don’t react to ‘Impossible’ in a way where they think it’s terribly retro. The plot needed to do what it needed to do. But I’m a little surprised to find myself looking a little bit like an advocate of teen marriage. It takes some exceptional circumstances for that to be a reasonable idea. – Nancy Werlin
St Vincent All you can do is make something that you like and feel proud of and then just hope for the best and try to get out of its way. – St Vincent
Allison Tolman For me and accent work, I think once you’ve figured out where that energy is, where the sound is in your throat or your mouth, it’s a whole lot easier to do. – Allison Tolman
Dawn Foster Making it compulsory to show identification before voting risks compromising a basic human right by creating further barriers for people who may no longer have an acceptable form of ID, thanks to the often unpredictable and chaotic lifestyle homelessness can cause. – Dawn Foster
Jim Gaffigan I’m a big eater. I mean, a lot of my stand-up is about food, and you write about what you know, and that’s the only thing I know. I don’t know anything else. – Jim Gaffigan
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