John Bishop It’s very gratifying sometimes to make yourself the butt of the joke because it bursts your bubble. – John Bishop Bubble Quotes Bursts Quotes Butt Quotes Gratifying Quotes Joke Quotes When I took my kids to see the house that we’re buying I took them in the car to the estate I grew up on. I got the kids out of the car and explained that this is where they’re from. In my comedy when there’s a victim, it’s me.
Monica Galetti I don’t like to watch myself on ‘Masterchef: The Professionals.’ I cringe; it makes me feel sick, and I have to turn the TV off. I like doing television, and bringing what I do to a wide audience, but I don’t have to watch myself, do I? – Monica Galetti
Stephen J Dubner A strange thing happens when Spielberg discusses his own work. His degree of self-criticism seems a direct reflection of each film’s box-office performance. You will not catch him complaining that the audience ‘didn’t get’ a film; if it didn’t do well, it generally didn’t deserve to. – Stephen J Dubner
PatienceSonja Morgan Interns can be hard on me and I’m hard on them. They have no experience and I have little patience when they don’t know how to address an envelope or can’t put a date in the calendar properly (I mean literally, like with the right floor number or proper cross streets). – Sonja Morgan
Bobby Brown Well, in order to become a grown man, in order to become significant in my family and significant in my children’s life, I had to learn my lessons. – Bobby Brown
Maureen Dowd The Republican game is hilariously transparent: if Obama doesn’t shift to more muscular postures, he’s not a patriot. If he does, he’s a flip-flopper. – Maureen Dowd
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