Jacob deGrom I’ve actually enjoyed pitching on the road in the postseason. You go out there, and you’re getting booed, and it’s fun to try to silence the crowd. – Jacob deGrom Booed Quotes Crowd Quotes Enjoyed Quotes Fun Quotes Pitching Quotes Postseason Quotes Road Quotes Silence Quotes I think my job is to keep the ball down. I always say I try to go out there and get early contact, and strikeouts just seem to happen. I really like using the softening cream. It helps me go out there with confidence to do what I need to do, and at the same time, it’s very functional and helps keep the hair out of my mouth so I can focus on pitching.
Candace Owens Play the black card expertly, and you can win awards, make millions – all the while claiming that the people who got you there somehow hate you. – Candace Owens
Pepa Peter Jennings came to us and said to make a PSA, ‘Let’s Talk About AIDS.’ But I was naive about how the virus is contracted – until Magic Johnson came out. I’d stereotyped it, thinking it was a gay disease, a white man’s disease. – Pepa
Archie Manning Sometimes you can have the quarterback and no system. Sometimes, you can have a system with an average quarterback and do well. – Archie Manning
Paul Tagliabue Our focus continues to be on having the Saints in Louisiana… We’re trying to develop what we would regard as a new model for the Saints to operate in a rebuilt Louisiana. – Paul Tagliabue
Julie Christie I regret that I wasn’t the kind of person who could enjoy celebrity. It embarrassed me too much. – Julie Christie
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