Ronnie Chan I’ve always been pessimistic about China. I can’t see China going on without economic or social issues. – Ronnie Chan China Quotes Economic Quotes Issues Quotes Pessimistic Quotes Social Quotes You need strong leadership to effectuate change, and the easiest way is to keep everything status quo. And sometimes changes are necessary. If not, you build up too much potential energy. If you donate overseas, it’s a simple matter. In mainland China, there are so many headaches.
Susana Martinez Republicans need to stop making assumptions, and they need to start talking to younger people, people of color, and ask them – not talk to them – ask them, ‘What is it that we can do better? How do we earn your vote? How do we earn the ability for you to see that we can be the party that will make your life better and that of your children?’ – Susana Martinez
Paul Berg But I felt it necessary to be part of the war effort and I enlisted in the Navy to be a flyer. – Paul Berg
apldeap There is some gangsta music I like, like Biggie Smalls – he reminds me of Slick Rick -doing the same thing, but he did it in a really artistic way. – apldeap
Louis Armstrong Well, I tell you… the first chorus, I plays the melody. The second chorus, I plays the melody round the melody, and the third chorus, I routines. – Louis Armstrong
Gene Vincent I’m a crack shot and I’ve won medals for shooting. But I don’t think I could shoot a person. – Gene Vincent
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