Adama Traore I’ve always been quick, ever since I was little. – Adama Traore Quick Quotes With the ball I can run 37kmh but I’ve never been timed without it because my job is to play football. I’m not an athlete. Every player has a dream to play at Barcelona for a long time, but you have different roles for the team.
Charisma Carpenter Well, they know that I’m not very anxious to get into one hour again. – Charisma Carpenter
Steph Houghton I know other people say that football isn’t easy as a sport for girls, but my family and friends have always been really supportive. – Steph Houghton
John Edgar Wideman My father was intelligent and closed-mouthed. He knew a lot more than what he was ever going to tell you. – John Edgar Wideman
Lance Ito I have not fully had the opportunity to evaluate the impact of cameras in the courtroom. – Lance Ito
Kara Swisher Having a baby had always seemed the easiest and most natural thing to do, and I had never felt – even in my most furtive days of coming out – that being gay would mean I could not become a mother. – Kara Swisher
Sean Paul I’m a big hip-hop fan since being a kid. It was the first music that spoke to me and made me feel like, ‘Yeah.’ – Sean Paul
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