Elizabeth Strout I’ve always been tremendously interested in criminal law. It goes to a deep interest I have in prisons and the criminal element, and what we do as a society with it. I’ve always been touched by the idea of criminality. – Elizabeth Strout Criminal Quotes Criminality Quotes Deep Quotes Element Quotes Idea Quotes Law Quotes Prisons Quotes Society Quotes Touched Quotes Tremendously Quotes If you get divorced in New York, you go into therapy and will talk to anybody you meet on the sidewalk about it. Oh, I wish I organized my books. But I don’t. I’m not an organized person. The best I can do is put the books I really like in one sort of general area, and poetry in another.
Sandra Day O'Connor When I went to law school, which after all was back in the dark ages, we never looked beyond our borders for precedents. As a state court judge, it never would have occurred to me to do so, and when I got to the Supreme Court, it was very much the same. We just didn’t do it. – Sandra Day O’Connor
Julius Randle Honestly, I hated Dirk growing up. As I got older and wiser, obviously I was really able to appreciate his greatness as I learned the game of basketball. – Julius Randle
Hilton Als I think, what’s the point of writing a book that you would get in one sitting? – Hilton Als
Harold Prince What’s missing in the musical theater is producers willing to nurture new work, raise the money and put it on. – Harold Prince
Dorothy L Sayers If it were not for the war, this war would suit me down to the ground. – Dorothy L Sayers
Ron Fournier Perhaps we should wait until his second term begins before carving Barack Obama’s face in Mount Rushmore. Is that asking too much? – Ron Fournier
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