Patrice Evra I’ve always believed that when you play for Juve, the goal at the start of the year is to win the title and a lot of trophies. – Patrice Evra Believed Quotes Goal Quotes Juve Quotes Lot Quotes Play Quotes Start Quotes Title Quotes Trophies Quotes Win Quotes Allegri is an easy coach to understand, as he doesn’t like to work with stupid people. The FA Cup means so much, and one day, I hope I will win it.
InspirationalRelationshipSmokey Robinson So I wanted to sing inspirational music, and that’s exactly how I approached it – only the words have been changed to declare my relationship with God. – Smokey Robinson
John Cusack The film is not a success until it makes money. It’s only good when there’s a dollar figure attached to the box office. – John Cusack
Mark Parker There is always an underlying spirit of invention at Nike – we love to create something that has never before existed. And not just new for the sake of new – it has to be better. – Mark Parker
Dylan Taylor I have the privilege of being the vice chair of the World Economic Forum’s real estate council. In that role, I review a lot of economic data and original research from around the world. – Dylan Taylor
Roy Hodgson It wasn’t purely Alex Ferguson’s experience that made him a good manager, because he did it when he was inexperienced. But if you’ve got the qualities needed, and then you add experience to it, someone who’s been through it, well, that has to be advantageous. There’s no doubt about that. – Roy Hodgson
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