Benson Henderson I’ve always held a pretty strong civic duty. – Benson Henderson Civic Quotes Duty Quotes Held Quotes Pretty Quotes Strong Quotes Like the way Anderson Silva does it – have a fight at 205 every once in a while and always make 185, his weight class. I was born in Colorado Springs and I spent a lot of time there. I moved to Denver when I first started training in MMA full time.
Gilbert Gottfried I’m a very anti-vacation person. Because I’m always getting on planes for work, to me, a vacation is when I don’t have to get on a plane. – Gilbert Gottfried
Alexandra Cassavetes My taste in films doesn’t lead financers to think they are going to make a zillion dollars. – Alexandra Cassavetes
Darell Hammond Toddlers need to get off the soccer field and onto the playground. Children need to get out of the gym and into neighborhood stickball games. We need to give kids room to create their own rules, set their own terms, and move their bodies in their own ways. – Darell Hammond
Anton SeidlSad It always makes me sad when I think of how I saw Wagner wasting his vitality, not only by singing their parts to some of his artists, but acting out the smallest details, and of how few they were who were responsive to his wishes. – Anton Seidl
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