Marissa Mayer I’ve always liked simplicity. – Marissa Mayer Simplicity Quotes I like to stay in the rhythm of things. Good students are good at all things.
Marketa Irglova As long as I focus on what I feel and don’t worry about where I’m going, it works out. Having no expectations but being open to everything is what makes wonderful things happen. If I don’t worry, there’s no obstruction and life flows easily. It sounds impractical, but ‘Expect nothing; be open to everything’ is really all it is. – Marketa Irglova
Amala Akkineni With so many public places banning pets people can’t socialise their animals, which makes them more hostile and leads to unsocial behaviour. – Amala Akkineni
AmazingJames Levine More and more couples are having this negotiation or discussion, but I’m still amazed at the number who aren’t and where the cultural norm sort of kicks in and they just assume that mom’s got to be the one who stays home, not dad. – James Levine
Alfonso Cuaron For me, my films are not like my children. They are like my ex-wife. They gave me so much; I gave them so much; I loved them so much; we part ways, and it’s OK, we part ways. – Alfonso Cuaron
Mike Nichols I’m an enormous fan of ‘The West Wing.’ It was one of the very few shows I would watch every week. – Mike Nichols
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