Alex Hirsch I’ve always loved driving, even when I was driving my very first car – a Mitsubishi Lancer. – Alex Hirsch Car Quotes Driving Quotes Lancer Quotes Loved Quotes Mitsubishi Quotes We passed a sign for Boring, Oregon. We never went there, but I was positively enchanted with the idea that there was a town called Boring. ‘Gravity Falls’ is partially from what I imagine Boring might be like. Or maybe the opposite of Boring, Oregon, would be ‘Gravity Falls.’ When I was 12 years old, I was obsessed with codes, conspiracies, and secret messages.
Kazuchika Okada I am new school, but Ultimo Dragon taught me that wrestling is a fight. He taught me the importance of the fighting spirit in the ring. – Kazuchika Okada
Jennifer Jason Leigh My mom’s a screenwriter, and before that, she was an actress, and my father was an actor; my stepfather was a director, so I was on sets a lot as a kid. I loved the magic of the set. You walk in, and it’s a living room, and you walk outside, and it’s just a piece of wood held up by another piece of wood. – Jennifer Jason Leigh
John Fetterman If you think that people can change… and, if they’ve grown and they’ve expressed contrition or regret, that they should be given a chance, then you should vote for me. – John Fetterman
Fantastic Negrito I hope I contribute something useful to the human family. That’s my intention. And I hope that it’s useful to people. – Fantastic Negrito
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