Steven Seagal I’ve always tried to avoid politics because most politicians that I know are quite dirty in terms of human dignity, ethics and morals. – Steven Seagal Avoid Quotes Dignity Quotes Dirty Quotes Ethics Quotes Human Quotes Morals Quotes Politicians Quotes Politics Quotes Terms Quotes I think the more diversity that one has in his life, the happier he can be, as long as he is able to do whatever he chooses to do at that given time well. Criminals usually prey on weakness. They can smell it.
Mamata Banerjee I don’t have any personal agenda or vendetta against any individual, even Narendra Modi. – Mamata Banerjee
Rande Gerber Oh, the secret of a great club is all in the detail. When I walk into one of my bars, I have to have all my napkins a certain way and all the pourers in the bottles facing a certain way. It drives some people crazy, but I figure if I notice something’s off, then other people will notice it, too. – Rande Gerber
J M Coetzee I read a great deal as a child. A lot of children go through a phase of reading in a literally voracious way. It is their primary imaginative activity. Maybe that’s an experience which is not so common any more with the presence of television in every home. – J M Coetzee
Jim James Somebody brought up the idea of reissuing ‘Tribute To 1’ because it was out of print on vinyl. – Jim James
Louis Freeh I was concerned about who he would put in there as FBI director because he had expressed antipathy for the FBI, for the director. I was going to stay there and make sure that he couldn’t replace me. – Louis Freeh
Simona Halep I prefer the Grand Slam than the No. 1, but still, to get No. 1, not many players did that, so it’s going to be very important for me. – Simona Halep
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