Philippe Perrin I’ve been as a pilot involved in the Gulf War. And then, in the No-Fly Zone. – Philippe Perrin Gulf Quotes Involved Quotes Nofly Quotes Pilot Quotes War Quotes Zone Quotes It’s only when you’re flying above it that you realize how incredible the Earth really is. So, it takes a lot of chance and luck. I mean I was lucky enough to get in the program where people with the same skills never made it to the program. So keep trying.
Danny Welbeck As a player, you have to focus on the match and not too much on the surroundings. – Danny Welbeck
James Iha Well, I’m pretty domestic actually. I walk my dog. I go grocery shopping. I hang out with friends. I’m pretty normal, whatever normal is, on my off time. – James Iha
Judy Greer Men are awesome, but they’re pretty easy to figure out; women are way more complicated, and way more interesting. – Judy Greer
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