Donald NormanTechnology I’ve been looking at the iPod- the Apple iPod. One of the interesting things about the iPod, one of the things that people love most about it is not the technology; it’s the box it comes in. – Donald Norman Apple Quotes Box Quotes Ipod Quotes Love Quotes People Quotes Technology Quotes The only protection as a historian is to institute a process of research and writing that minimizes the possibility of error. And that I have tried to do, aided by modern technology, which enables me, having long since moved beyond longhand, to use a computer for both organizing and taking notes. The biotechnology wave is similar to the information technology wave of the 1980s and 1990s.
Shamna Kasim As I always say, I don’t want to limit myself to being an ingredient in any dish. I want to be the sole flavoring agent, without which making the dish is impossible. – Shamna Kasim
LaTanya Richardson Our joy was to do theater. And in some theaters, the only pay we got was tokens for carfare. – LaTanya Richardson
Matthew Morrison I know what it takes to be a good boyfriend. Time, first and foremost. To be there for someone and be involved in their life. – Matthew Morrison
Graham Moore One thing that I always loved about, say, ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’, is that Indiana Jones gets the Ark of the Covenant about sixty percent of the way through the movie. And then the rest of it is get-out-alive. To me, that’s really cool. Because he’s the one you care about at the end of the day. – Graham Moore
Cain Velasquez I grew up watching my parents work in the fields. That’s where I get my work ethic from, because I saw them work hard my whole life. – Cain Velasquez
Sela Ward No not at all… it is rare for shows to make it as long as Once and Again… It was a pretty good run. – Sela Ward
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