ChanceMorgan Wallen I’ve been singing in church and wherever else I got the chance since I was 3. – Morgan Wallen Chance Quotes Church Quotes Singing Quotes When I’m ready to fight, my opponent has a better chance of surviving a forest fire wearing gasoline drawers. When I was first diagnosed, I went out, as a book person, and got some books on cancer and looked up my version of the disease. It said that I had about a 5 percent chance of survival. I said, ‘Gosh, well, it’s been a good run.’ What I didn’t realize is that in the two years since those books were published, things had shifted dramatically.
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer We have to be strong in ourselves. Whoever defines themselves only through their opponents risks making their entire programme… dependent on others. – Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer
James Black I met Hilary Vaughan at a Student Ball in 1944 and we married in the summer of 1946, as soon as I graduated. – James Black
Gerry Mulligan So I played alto for quite a while until I saved up the money for the baritone. – Gerry Mulligan
Roger Ascham In our fathers’ time nothing was read but books of feigned chivalry, wherein a man by reading should be led to none other end, but only to manslaughter and bawdry. – Roger Ascham
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