John Smoltz I’ve been to great sporting events: the Super Bowl, Final Four, you name it. – John Smoltz Bowl Quotes Events Quotes Final Quotes Sporting Quotes Super Quotes I don’t know that we’ll ever see a 3,000-strikeout guy again. The way it is now, 75% of teams leave spring training with no chance to win, and no desire to win so they can build for the future.
Neeti Mohan Our house was like a girls’ boarding school. We were always fighting for each other’s clothes. – Neeti Mohan
Mahmoud AbbasPeace Let us all pledge to protect this opportunity in order to see that the wish of peace becomes a true and daily fact in this region. – Mahmoud Abbas
PoliticsReligionSantigold Politics are wack – it’s mostly about the characters instead of the issues, like how religion is about religion instead of spirituality. – Santigold
Perfume GeniusSad I think the best mood for writing is a heavy feeling that’s a little bit removed from you. Sometimes I feel very self-indulgent and bratty and ungrateful, and no good music comes out of that. But sometimes I can be really sad or have an excess of feeling yet somehow be able to see the big picture more. – Perfume Genius
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