Ray J I’ve dedicated my life to my family. – Ray J Dedicated Quotes Family Quotes Life Quotes What we did with Raycon is, not only do we have electric transportation, we have headphones speakers, smart watches. High demand, high quality, but affordable. An e-bike is like headphones, you can say you have patents, but people will still copy.
Edwin Louis Cole Successful people recognize crisis as a time for change – from lesser to greater, smaller to bigger. – Edwin Louis Cole
Bianca Del Rio What’s funny is funny. It doesn’t matter what expense it’s at. There are people who don’t like that and I understand. – Bianca Del Rio
Brin-Jonathan Butler My mother left Hungary as a refugee, and she is not nostalgic for the life that she had back in Hungary, and yet Cubans certainly want the economic opportunity in the United States, but they’re desperately homesick for the culture that they left behind. – Brin-Jonathan Butler
Smedley Butler My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military. – Smedley Butler
Marisa TomeiPolitics Politics itself is so unsexy, isn’t it? But when the politics in creative works are really explored – not used as a vehicle – the results can be really interesting. – Marisa Tomei
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