Rooney Mara I’ve done jobs where I thought, ‘I don’t want to be that kind of actor; I don’t want to work on something with people who don’t have the same kind of goal as I do.’ – Rooney Mara Actor Quotes Goal Quotes Jobs Quotes People Quotes As an actor, you can’t just be in the film. You’re also in charge of selling it, and so you have to sell yourself, and you have to be very political and make sure to not say the wrong things. It’s exhausting. I never do anything for the camera. It’s my job to pretend the camera’s not there. I’m never moving for the camera.
Micky Ward I’m back in Boston. I own an outdoor deck hockey rink, and I own a boxing gym here also. – Micky Ward
Robert Indiana Those damned Abstract Expressionists. They were a major problem. Because the critics adored them to such an extent, reams and reams, pages and pages of articles about Abstract Expressionists, when we came along, we were just not taken seriously at all. – Robert Indiana
IntelligenceVernor Vinge But every time our ability to access information and to communicate it to others is improved, in some sense we have achieved an increase over natural intelligence. – Vernor Vinge
Boris Becker I want to be a hero, a small and good kind of hero, even though I know heroes have very short lives. – Boris Becker
Olivier Giroud It was the force of the ball. It made my foot bone and ankle come together and cracked. I thought I had just twisted my ankle, but it was a clear fracture. – Olivier Giroud
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