Melanie Scrofano I’ve done some awful auditions, and I’ve really done some horrible work, but it forced me to flex those muscles, and that’s what makes you a better actor, just doing bad work and seeing what looks bad and growing from it. – Melanie Scrofano Actor Quotes Auditions Quotes Awful Quotes Bad Quotes Flex Quotes Forced Quotes Growing Quotes Horrible Quotes Muscles Quotes I can’t imagine not playing Wynonna, because I get to play so many different things. In any given episode, I get drama and comedy and horror and all the notes of life, and very few shows or movies give you that opportunity. People are so used to men playing these amazing roles that they sometimes can’t even see that there is no reason it has to be a man other than it was written that way – this is true for diversity in general.
Angela Ruggiero As a veteran, you’re a little more poised on that mental side. But athletically, I didn’t really think I could get better. – Angela Ruggiero
EqualityScott Fujita In articulating all my feelings about marriage equality, I almost don’t know where to begin. And perhaps that’s part of the problem. Why do we have to explain ourselves when it comes to issues of fairness and equality? Why is common sense not enough? – Scott Fujita
John Bradley-West Fantasy fans are incredibly loyal and passionate. Other people don’t want to be seen as passionate about things, they want to be cool and laconic. The great thing about fantasy fans is they’ll really get behind a show. – John Bradley-West
HealthMardy Fish It’s just health. They call it mental health, but your brain is part of your body. It’s an injury. You just can’t see it. – Mardy Fish
Richard Preston I was surfing the Internet, and I came across a school in Atlanta where you could learn how to climb trees with ropes the way the pros do. It sounded terrific, and so I went down there, and I began to learn these kind of rarified techniques for how you get up and down trees while using special ropes and gear. – Richard Preston
Mari Carmen Ramirez The Documents Project has actively collected documentation on both island-based Puerto Rican art as well as Nuyorican art in the United States through partnerships and researchers ceded at the University of Puerto Rico’s museum in San Juan and Hunter College’s Center for Puerto Rican Studies in New York City, respectively. – Mari Carmen Ramirez
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