Daniel Tammet I’ve got a quiet voice. I think it’s because as a child I didn’t speak very much. I used to put my fingers in my ears to feel the silence, which was like a lovely trickling motion in my head. – Daniel Tammet Child Quotes Ears Quotes Feel Quotes Fingers Quotes Head Quotes Lovely Quotes Motion Quotes Quiet Quotes Silence Quotes Speak Quotes Trickling Quotes Voice Quotes It was hard for me to find my voice because I was, for so long, absorbed in my own world. I can well imagine that certain writers, even writers that we’d consider today very great writers, may not necessarily have tested highly on IQ just because of their numerical skills, or maybe they may not be very good at memory, and are not particularly good at these kinds of tests.
Robert J Sawyer When we have machines that are as intelligent – and then twice as intelligent – as we are, there is no reason why that relationship cannot be synergistic rather than antagonistic. – Robert J Sawyer
Jaleel White If you have to go back and spell-check the text you’re about to send, you’re saying too much. – Jaleel White
Scott Kelly We don’t do laundry because that requires a lot of water, and water’s at a premium up here. Plus, it’d be pretty complicated, I think, to make a space washer, although I guess you could do it. – Scott Kelly
Deborah Kass I have that memory of dancing on my father’s feet to all the music my parents used to listen to. – Deborah Kass
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