Roddy Piper I’ve had Jo-Jo the Dog-Faced Boy as a tag-team partner. – Roddy Piper Boy Quotes Dogfaced Quotes Jojo Quotes Partner Quotes Tagteam Quotes I’ve been around the world seven times, been stabbed three times, been down in an airplane, and once dated the Bearded Lady. I’ve been in 30 car crashes, none of ’em my fault, I swear on a stack of midgets… OK, they were probably all my fault.
Katrina Adams Serena Williams is the ultimate champion. She knows what it takes to get to the top. – Katrina Adams
Shaunie O'Neal It was important for me to have other outlets outside of ‘Basketball Wives’ to represent myself and who I really am and what I really would like to put out there. – Shaunie O’Neal
Momo Hirai It was an honor to have our album and names mentioned on the Billboard charts. – Momo Hirai
Max Keiser Success of bitcoin and the exchanges that deal in it could be interpreted by some to mean the demise of central banks, Wall Street, and the Washington insiders who trade on inside information and market manipulation. – Max Keiser
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