Sadiq Khan I’ve had the honour of being elected as a Labour councillor, MP and mayor, thanks to the hard work of Labour members, and I believe that the will of our membership should be respected. – Sadiq Khan Councillor Quotes Elected Quotes Hard Quotes Honour Quotes Labour Quotes Mayor Quotes Membership Quotes Respected Quotes I value loyalty and believe that internal disagreements shouldn’t be voiced in the media – because divided parties lose elections. I see this rise in rough sleeping and homelessness – in one of the wealthiest cities in the world – as a growing source of shame. And as Londoners, as a city, and as a country, I believe we have a moral duty to tackle it head-on.
Jagmeet Singh Every single day of my life is about challenging people who think you can’t do something because of the way you look. – Jagmeet Singh
Michael Mando Commit to what you love – that’s important. Believe in yourself and try as much as possible to do everything you do from a place of love. Not labor, but love. – Michael Mando
Peter Welch The Citizen’s Petition reflects Vermont’s spirit of pragmatism and across-the-board cooperation. I applaud the ‘Campaign to Fix the Debt’ for calling attention to one of the country’s most pressing problems, our ballooning national debt, and for urging policymakers to find practical solutions. – Peter Welch
Neal Brennan I get that money is important, and it’s scary to think that you won’t have enough. At the same time, we can set up reasonable social safety nets and take care of everybody. – Neal Brennan
James Clavell The search for the truth is the most important work in the whole world, and the most dangerous. – James Clavell
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