Florence Welch I’ve just never been a tracksuit-wearer. – Florence Welch Tracksuitwearer Quotes I’m quite glad I never learned to play the guitar, because I think I’d write songs that were more classically structured. As it is, I’ve had to create my own way of writing, which isn’t typical. Everything’s a big crescendo. I’ve always been able to just concoct a melody quite easily – it’s just kind of instinct, really. You’ve got to channel your subconscious.
Anna RichardsonDating Modern dating has become a really complicated thing. Most people are dating online, and of course when you are armed with enhanced photos and all your status symbols, and youre able to hide behind the hair, the make-up, the clothes and everything else, you dont really know what youre getting until you actually meet that person on a date. – Anna Richardson
Andrew JacksonFearGovernmentIntelligence Our government is founded upon the intelligence of the people. I for one do not despair of the republic. I have great confidence in the virtue of the great majority of the people, and I cannot fear the result. – Andrew Jackson
Adam Conover I sort of expose the truth about common misconceptions, or you know, investigate why we do certain things culturally, why we have certain traditions, and ask the question, ‘is this really the best way we can be doing things?’ – Adam Conover
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