DeMarcus Cousins I’ve kind of been doubted my whole life. I use that as fuel to continue to push every single day. – DeMarcus Cousins Continue Quotes Day Quotes Doubted Quotes Fuel Quotes Life Quotes Push Quotes Single Quotes The body can take you wherever your mind goes. If I can do it in my mind, I think my body will follow. I’m grateful for every opportunity. I learned the hard way.
Mo Ibrahim Retail banking in Africa is very weak. You can’t go to a village and get money from an ATM or visit a branch of the bank. So people have to use the Internet. – Mo Ibrahim
Marion JonesTrust We realized that the only persons we can truly trust in this world is each other and our families. – Marion Jones
Steve Winwood Here we were supposedly changing the world for the better in the Sixties, but as we get 40 years further down the line, we realise that some of those changes such as the drugs probably weren’t all that great or sensible. It was all about social experiments. – Steve Winwood
Carson Palmer When the Broncos or the Steelers are winning everybody wants defense. When the Rams and Saints are scoring 50 points a game, it seems everybody is looking for a young offensive mind. – Carson Palmer
Lionel Shriver In my teens, I eyed my adulthood with trepidation, as if stalked by a stranger – one who would seize control as if by demonic possession and regard my fledgling incarnation with contempt. – Lionel Shriver
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