Joely Fisher I’ve never been a waif; I have a womanly figure and always did. – Joely Fisher Figure Quotes Waif Quotes Womanly Quotes I stay in my own little zone, and that’s good for me. At this point, I wouldn’t be able to digest meat, and I don’t like eating things with faces.
Sue Miller Jane Eyre’ must have been something I read six or seven times as an early adolescent. And ‘Kristin Lavransdatter,’ and ‘Lorna Doone’ when I was younger. My parents had a pretty rich library, no jackets on any of the books, so no descriptions. You just pulled something off the shelf and started to read it. – Sue Miller
Maxine Hong Kingston It seems that writing chose me. I feel that because I know history, and I know the history of so many cultures; I have lived a large life. – Maxine Hong Kingston
Geoff Dyer For me, those little cinemas in Paris where I saw many art films for the first time meant that cinema became a kind of pilgrimage site. – Geoff Dyer
Gabourey Sidibe The thing about Precious, she’s so far from a Hollywood character. She’s so honest and real, I definitely felt like I knew her. – Gabourey Sidibe
Dieter F Uchtdorf At a time when many churches throughout the world are experiencing significant decreases in numbers, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – though small in comparison with many others – is one of the fastest growing churches in the world. As of September 2013, the Church has more than 15 million members around the world. – Dieter F Uchtdorf
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