Kabir Khan I’ve never compromised in the story of ‘Ek Tha Tiger’ just because Salman Khan is in it. – Kabir Khan Compromised Quotes Ek Quotes Khan Quotes Salman Quotes Story Quotes Tha Quotes Tiger Quotes I will always want to mount my films with a strong real backdrop. Kabul Express’ was very autobiographical but ‘New York’ is a wider and much larger journey. Though it has been drawn from my experiences that I’ve seen and observed during 9/11, as I was there when it happened, it is not autobiographical at all.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld The defects and faults of the mind are like wounds in the body; after all imaginable care has been taken to heal them up, still there will be a scar left behind, and they are in continual danger of breaking the skin and bursting out again. – Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Mehcad Brooks When I jump into something, I really do it to the fullest extent that my time and energy will allow me. I’m from Texas, and to see so many people that are obese and with disorders that are preventable. They haven’t been shown or told. I’m really passionate about making sure my fellow countrymen are healthy. It’s a shame. – Mehcad Brooks
Martin Evans I have always been interested – indeed, waylaid – by the leading edges of technology, even during my Ph.D. years when I pioneered (but did not publish) agarose gel electrophoresis for RNA fractionation. Also, much later, I was instrumental in showing that Green Fluorescent Protein and RNAi could be made to work in mammalian cells. – Martin Evans
Saul Niguez I have improved a lot, but I would like to improve more, to be better defensively and understand the play better. – Saul Niguez
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