Ethel Merman I’ve never cooked. I can’t do much more in the kitchen than make a cup of tea and some toast. – Ethel Merman Cooked Quotes Cup Quotes Kitchen Quotes Tea Quotes Toast Quotes If I feel in need of sleep, I just open a book or turn on the television. Both are better than any sleeping pill. Any audience that gets a laugh out of me gets it while I’m facing them.
Butch Trucks If there’s anybody who knew how to play in a studio, it was Duane Allman. – Butch Trucks
Luka Modric Real Madrid were the ideal club for me, and, when I knew they were interested, I couldn’t think about anything else. – Luka Modric
Jessica Barden I stayed at home and loved my own company because I was just petrified of everybody else my own age, which I think a lot of people are. – Jessica Barden
Floyd MayweatherJr When they put me on ESPN and they talk about negative things, or when they put me on TMZ and they talk about negative things, I’m just glad that I’m relevant; to have lasted this long being relevant. – Floyd Mayweather, Jr
Boz Scaggs I think that it can be said of a lot of artists, and myself included, that we made the same record over and over from the beginning. – Boz Scaggs
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