Christopher Koch I’ve never set a book in Europe. I’ve lived in Europe three times, but somehow or other it wasn’t the experience that engaged me in that way. – Christopher Koch Book Quotes Engaged Quotes Europe Quotes Experience Quotes Lived Quotes Set Quotes Times Quotes Writers to some extent are childish, and it’s at the childish level that one really engages with any experience. What really moves you is at the very personal, childish level of the imagination. My business is the imagination, and my imagination is engaged by Asia. I don’t have doctrinaire views about how we should relate to Asia. But novelists reflect the world they live in, and that world propels you, to some extent. I’m a creature of the British Empire, and of the period of transition from the Empire.
LegalSarah Harrison For future Snowdens, we want to show there is an organization that will do what we did for Snowden – as much as possible – in raising money for legal defense and public advocacy for whistleblowers so they know if they come forward there is a support group for them. – Sarah Harrison
Roderick Strong The one thing that I heard is that being dependable is priceless, and that’s something I really put focus on. – Roderick Strong
Evan Bayh To win the war on terror, we must know who our friends are and where our enemies are hiding. We can’t continue fighting terrorism using the same foreign policy blueprints that were in place before September 11th. – Evan Bayh
Max VerstappenMom Of course my dad went to Formula One, so I think that my dad is the better driver of the two. But I think, for a girl, my mom was not too bad, of course. – Max Verstappen
Ed SkreinThankful I never really look back. My journey has been unorthodox in many ways. All I do is count my blessings and try to be as present as I can, and I’m thankful for every step of this journey. – Ed Skrein
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