Moeen Ali I’ve opened throughout most of my career at Worcester. I understand there are guys in the team who have opened for a long time, more than me, with better records than me. – Moeen Ali Career Quotes Guys Quotes Records Quotes Team Quotes Time Quotes Understand Quotes Worcester Quotes In sport, the underdog does come out on top quite a bit. Sometimes in Asian homes it is all about where we’ve come from, which is important too, but it is about where you live and where you’re born and the people who are the same as you.
Adebayo Akinfenwa I think if you score lots of goals but nobody likes you as a person then it stands for nothing. – Adebayo Akinfenwa
Peter Scolari Nothing’s hipper than leaving the set of ‘Girls’ in Brooklyn and having a teamster drop you off at your Broadway show. – Peter Scolari
HumorKunal Nayyar Sometimes I’ll be sitting with my friends; I’ll say something Koothrappali-esque and make a face. There is a lot of Koothrappali in me as a human being. A lot of mannerism, humor, mischievousness, my innocence. So I don’t know if I bring him home so much as I bring myself to him at work. – Kunal Nayyar
Scarlett Johansson I’ve always been very competitive, and a part of that is pushing your boundaries – taking a risk and being able to live with the loss that comes with taking a risk. – Scarlett Johansson
Michiel Huisman I had my first stereo when I turned 12, and every two weeks, I would save up money and buy one CD. – Michiel Huisman
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