Ricky Martin I’ve performed in China, France, New Delhi, and Indianapolis, and everybody just allows themselves to go at it and have a good time. I think that’s what I’m doing through music. It’s not about ‘I’m from here and you’re from there.’ It’s about unity. – Ricky Martin China Quotes Delhi Quotes France Quotes Indianapolis Quotes Music Quotes Performed Quotes Time Quotes Unity Quotes We all have to go through our own spiritual process. It is very difficult. Some people are struggling and they are in their teens. Some people are in their 50s and they’re struggling. Some people go through life and die not being able to accept themselves. Tragic. But it’s very individual. And it’s about self-esteem. You can be a sex symbol through music or film. Hey, there are some politicians that are sex symbols. Is that something you should fight? No. Sex is very natural.
Steve Spurrier I don’t want to coach too far into my 60s. By then, I’ll be playing golf four or five times a week. – Steve Spurrier
Julien Baker The more blessings or resources you have at your disposal, the more I become aware of… how should I steward this? It’s supposed to be an investment that I can turn around and create art that gives something to other people. Ugh, that sounds like the most Miss America answer of all time. – Julien Baker
Reza Aslan A cosmic war is like a ritual drama in which participants act out on Earth a battle they believe is actually taking place in the heavens. – Reza Aslan
Gladys Berejiklian I’m a fan of making sure our community grows and that we are always compassionate and remember our place in the world. – Gladys Berejiklian
Daniel H Pink My generation’s parents told their children, ‘Become an accountant, a lawyer, or an engineer; that will give you a solid foothold in the middle class.’ But these jobs are now being sent overseas. So in order to make it today, you have to do work that’s hard to outsource, hard to automate. – Daniel H Pink
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