B B KingMusic I’ve said that playing the blues is like having to be black twice. Stevie Ray Vaughan missed on both counts, but I never noticed. – B B King Black Quotes Blues Quotes Counts Quotes Missed Quotes Music Quotes Noticed Quotes Playing Quotes Ray Quotes Stevie Quotes Vaughan Quotes I like jazz, rock n’ roll, some hip hop – I can’t think of any music I don’t like. Music is this divine thing, the closest that we can get to something divine. It’s like this instinct we all own, and some of us have found a way to hear that music and write it down and share it with people.
John Frusciante I’m not interested in meeting people’s expectations, and I’m not interested in pleasing people. – John Frusciante
Lisa Gansky I really like Kickstarter because you don’t have to be a Medici to fund the arts and sciences or to get behind a big idea or a person that sparks your imagination. It’s a type of microfunding directed toward creators. – Lisa Gansky
FearIvo Andric If people would know how little brain is ruling the world, they would die of fear. – Ivo Andric
Charles H Townes One of the things my family taught me – I think very important in religion and science – is that you must be ready to stand up for what you think. Decide what you really think is best, and stick with it. – Charles H Townes
Christian McCaffrey There is not some secret formula, it comes down to completing passes, being efficient on first and second down and making plays when the ball is in your hands. – Christian McCaffrey
John LennonLovePeace If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that’s his problem. Love and peace are eternal. – John Lennon
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