Rachel Shenton I’ve seen a lot of people in my life base their self-worth on what job they book or don’t book, what car they drive, or whether they can afford a house deposit or not. – Rachel Shenton Afford Quotes Base Quotes Book Quotes Car Quotes Deposit Quotes Drive Quotes House Quotes Job Quotes Life Quotes Lot Quotes People Quotes Selfworth Quotes In the deaf community, there is exactly that – a community. It’s like nothing I see in the hearing world. It’s old fashioned, I guess, and beautiful. For me, film is an extremely powerful way of conveying a message to a mainstream audience.
Mary Schapiro We have new rules that give shareholders the ability to vote on executive compensation. We have new rules for asset-backed securities. We have new rules around credit rating agencies. – Mary Schapiro
Pamela Adlon There’s something in my voice tonally that’s like a boy, so I started being able to do boy voices and to be known as having a naturalistic boy tone without pushing it. – Pamela Adlon
Rex Orange County The moment you start thinking about what other people and other artists think, you’re going to start writing like other people. – Rex Orange County
Joseph Fiennes What I don’t find compelling is doing classical plays that everyone already knows – and people are following with the text in their hand because no one is listening. – Joseph Fiennes
Peter Criss There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t bless myself with holy water and then get in my car and rub the medal of the Virgin Mary that she gave me and say a Hail Mary for my mother. And then I kiss her Mass card that’s right there on the dashboard. – Peter Criss
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