Jimmy Chin I’ve tried to eat little shrubs before. We were on an unsupported 20-plus day traverse, following the migration of endangered antelope across the Chang Tang Plateau. We were like, ‘Oh, this is what they ate; we should try it.’ – Jimmy Chin Antelope Quotes Ate Quotes Chang Quotes Day Quotes Eat Quotes Endangered Quotes Migration Quotes Plateau Quotes Shrubs Quotes Tang Quotes Traverse Quotes Unsupported Quotes You can show up at Everest having never really climbed before, because it’s like hiking, basically. You can’t show up on Meru and start up the thing unless you have years and years of experience. Climbing and spending time on the mountains is really the only way you can train. I’m constantly out of my mind trying to stay in shape.
Amanda Shires Sometimes when you’re going through life you’re not really noticing it. – Amanda Shires
Henry Spencer The communications delays between Earth and Mars can be half an hour or more, so the people on the ground can’t participate minute by minute in Mars surface activities. – Henry Spencer
Chris Jordan One culture I find fascinating to juxtapose against American culture is the culture of Germany. They’ve gone through a long process through their art, poetry, public discourse, their politics, of owning the fact of their complicity in what happened in World War II. It’s still a topic of everyday conversation in Germany. – Chris Jordan
Brian Stelfreeze In the Marvel universe, vibranium has always been this material that absorbs kinetic energy. And any tiny bit of physics knowledge will tell you that that’s really non-Newtonian. You can’t just absorb energy, you’ve gotta change it into something else. – Brian Stelfreeze
Finn Balor A lot of people are under the impression that Finn Balor relies on the Demon King, but that is certainly not the case. – Finn Balor
Paul Di Filippo Consensus wisdom has it that all modern commercial fantasy novels fall into two camps: those derived from J.R.R. Tolkien and those derived from Mervyn Peake. The ‘Lord of the Rings’ template or the ‘Gormenghast’ mold. – Paul Di Filippo
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