Stephen Hough I’ve twice been on the point of giving up my performing career to train for the priesthood. – Stephen Hough Career Quotes Performing Quotes Priesthood Quotes Train Quotes To me, the heart of the ministry lies in being able to help deeply distressed people, not because of your own qualities but because you represent Christ. Once or twice, I’ve taken the Gideon Bible out of the drawer, opened it at random, and found myself stuck in the middle of a genealogical list. And that’s when I thought: why not cherry-pick the best bits, passages that people can actually use?
Edward VIII You all know the reasons which have impelled me to renounce the throne. But I want you to understand that in making up my mind I did not forget the country or the empire, which, as Prince of Wales and lately as King, I have for twenty-five years tried to serve. – Edward VIII
Colin FarrellFamilySociety You’re scrutinized all through your life – you’re scrutinized by your family, by yourself, by society, and your friends in a certain way, shape, or form. – Colin Farrell
Graham Norton I don’t think you should have to try to be nice, I think most people are nice. I think being cheerful and nice is just a politeness. – Graham Norton
Jean-Pascal Tricoire I come from the deep countryside. My family was in farming. I was not really exposed to business. Coming from that environment, I just wanted in my life to go overseas – that was a childhood dream because I wanted diversity, contacts, cultural meetings with others. – Jean-Pascal Tricoire
Rory O'Malley As someone who was once in the closet, I can tell you it is the most sad, dark, awful, depressing place to ever be. – Rory O’Malley
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