Mellody Hobson I’ve used some of my differences as a way to stand out and to hopefully count and matter – and hopefully create an opportunity for others. – Mellody Hobson Count Quotes Create Quotes Differences Quotes Matter Quotes Opportunity Quotes Stand Quotes I’d like to see great textbooks, great opportunities for kids to really understand stock market investing, because at the end of the day, they are going to be all they have in terms of creating a life for themselves, a retirement account, and things like that. Having a financially illiterate society is dangerous, and we have to do something about that.
Sebastiao Salgado I’m not a religious person. The language of photography is symbolic. – Sebastiao Salgado
Harold FordJr One bipartisan policy tradition is to deny Americans the use of our own resources. – Harold Ford, Jr
Ellen Burstyn The interesting thing about doing a play is to find a way to make it fresh and do it as though you were doing it for the first time. – Ellen Burstyn
Judge Reinhold I like movies that project a dilemma of modern men and women who are overwhelmed by the system. – Judge Reinhold
Darell Hammond I was raised in a group home for 14 years, so I was a beneficiary of philanthropy. I didn’t have a family. The nameless, faceless strangers were my family. They gave me an education, put food on the table and clothes on my back. I am who I am because of that formative experience. Now I am paying it forward. – Darell Hammond
Munira Mirza Paradoxically, just at the point when racist attitudes were declining in society and many ethnic groups were integrating successfully, our political leaders became obsessed with racism. – Munira Mirza
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