Sam Kean Junk DNA – or, as scientists call it nowadays, noncoding DNA – remains a mystery: No one knows how much of it is essential for life. – Sam Kean Dna Quotes Essential Quotes Junk Quotes Life Quotes Mystery Quotes Noncoding Quotes Nowadays Quotes Remains Quotes Scientists Quotes Mutations can arise anywhere in the genome, in gene DNA and noncoding DNA alike. But mutations to genes have bigger consequences: They can disable proteins and kill a creature. Except for certain moments – when cells are dividing, for instance – chromosomes don’t form compact, countable bodies inside cells. Instead, they unravel and flop about, which makes counting chromosomes a bit like counting strands of ramen in a bowl.
George Chapman And let a scholar all earth’s volumes carry, he will be but a walking dictionary: a mere articulate clock. – George Chapman
Ellen Burstyn It’s about avoiding reality through various escape routes that become addictions and lead to Hell. My character is addicted to television, chocolate, coffee, to her dream of her son, which has no basis in reality. – Ellen Burstyn
Lee H Hamilton Now the difficulty with those warnings is that they were not specific. – Lee H Hamilton
John C Calhoun Were there no contrariety of interests, nothing would be more simple and easy than to form and preserve free institutions. The right of suffrage alone would be a sufficient guarantee. It is the conflict of opposing interests which renders it the most difficult work of man. – John C Calhoun
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