George Bernard ShawGreatHappiness Just do what must be done. This may not be happiness, but it is greatness. – George Bernard Shaw George Bernard Shaw Quotes Greatness Quotes Happiness Quotes In order to have great happiness you have to have great pain and unhappiness – otherwise how would you know when you’re happy? Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
Gail Simone I’ve written, like, 450 comics, and ‘Secret Six’ was the first one I’ve had ship late, ever. So it took a lot to make that happen. So we had a little bit of a stop-and-start, and then we had Convergence, and then Issue No. 2 of ‘Secret Six’. – Gail Simone
Synyster Gates My father was a studio musician, played for a lot of people like Frank Zappa and a lot of R&B bands, and was always gone doing that. Then when he was home, he was practicing. And so I always saw it, and I always wanted to do what he did. – Synyster Gates
Josh Blue Ever see a guy with cerebral palsy run through a speed ladder? I mean, that is funny. – Josh Blue
James Jeans Life exists in the universe only because the carbon atom possesses certain exceptional properties. – James Jeans
Forest Whitaker I think I’ve made some choices that maybe I wasn’t so sure about for some reason or another. But I’m one of the lucky ones. Even when I was young, I played Bird, and that’s a role people wait for their whole lifetime. – Forest Whitaker
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