Phyllis Smith Just go for it. Don’t be afraid of trying new things. You have absolutely no idea what’s going to present itself to you. Don’t be frightened. Just buckle down and do whatever your heart desires. – Phyllis Smith Absolutely Quotes Afraid Quotes Buckle Quotes Desires Quotes Frightened Quotes Heart Quotes Idea Quotes I have said in many interviews that God had a better plan for me than I ever anticipated. I still firmly believe that, and I am grateful for a prayer answered. You have to understand that when you’re a voice actor on an animated film, you’re really just a tiny little piece of this huge process. And when you finally get to see the finished product and see all of the wonderful work that the animators & the designers & the writers did to make your character stand out, it’s just so touching, so humbling.
Alex Azar A vigorous and profitable drug industry is not a problem to be solved but a goal to be encouraged. – Alex Azar
Mark Pincus When you go to our political system, I feel like it’s intentionally kept in the last century. In every other facet of life, we turn to social media for instant response time, complete transparency. – Mark Pincus
Hans EysenckTruth I always felt that a scientist owes the world only one thing, and that is the truth as he sees it. – Hans Eysenck
Rod Lurie The ability of the press to print their stories without the government trying to get them to betray their sources is as essential to a free press as the ink it is printed with. Otherwise, who will hold accountable those who hold power over us? – Rod Lurie
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