Duke KahanamokuTime Just take your time – wave comes. Let the other guys go, catch another one. – Duke Kahanamoku Catch Quotes Guys Quotes Time Quotes Wave Quotes There are two kinds of worries – those you can do something about and those you can’t. Don’t spend any time on the latter. Time is bunk.
Jocelyn Bell Burnell Once a star dies, it’s gone forever. There are no new stars to take its place. Eventually, there will be no stars, and the universe will turn black. That really will be the end. – Jocelyn Bell Burnell
Robert J Sawyer Science fiction has always used metaphors and disguises, talking about alien civilizations or the future. – Robert J Sawyer
Hilary Swank To me, working out is literally like eating a meal or drinking water or breathing. – Hilary Swank
Dustin Lance Black Gay people are more powerful when they work with lesbians. We become more powerful when we’re L, G, B and T. – Dustin Lance Black
Monica Galetti There’s always been more men than women in the profession… I think at certain points young women think ‘I want a family’ and they can’t balance the two. – Monica Galetti
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